About Fixee

With Fixee, you can effortlessly discover a wide range of local services tailored to your needs. Whether you're searching for a plumber, electrician, handyman, or any other service provider, Fixee has you covered. Experience the convenience and reliability of Fixee today. Download now and simplify your search for local services!"

List Your Services

Are you a service provider? List your services on Fixee for free and reach potential customers in your area. Your listed services will be visible to users within a 30-kilometer radius, ensuring maximum exposure for your business

Earn with Fixee Partner Program

Unlock earning opportunities with our Fixee Partner Program. Simply refer a service provider to join Fixee, and start earning rewards for every successful referral.

Multilingual Support

Fixee speaks your language! Our platform is available in six different languages, ensuring accessibility and ease of use for users worldwide

No Hidden Charges or Commission

At Fixee, transparency is key. We don't believe in hidden charges or commission fees. Enjoy using our platform without any unexpected costs